Release note: April 12, 2023
What's new:
Introducing the new Combo Bundle - this is a new type of bundle, which allows you to combine different products and offer them as a single package with a specific bundle price. Combo bundles do not have their own stock, instead, the stock is tracked on the product level automatically. Read more about combo bundles and pre-packed bundles.
Pick & Pack Visibility on Combo Bundles - it is now possible for the person doing the pick n'pack to see the products inside the Combo Bundle during the order confirmation flow, and define the batch codes for each product separately. Read more here.
- The user experience has been improved on the Products and Orders pages.
- Users can now ship products to the German warehouse - when creating a stock movement to the German warehouse, users will need to provide product details, such as quantity, batch code, size of the box, and the amount of product that can fit in one box. This feature will help users manage their inventory and shipments more efficiently. Read more here.