How to get an overview of marketing opt-ins and export the data?
In this article, we will guide you through the process of identifying which of your business customers have granted you marketing consent and show you how to efficiently export this valuable data. Please note that marketing consent pertains exclusively to business customers, while consumer customers have the option to provide Newsletter consent, which you can learn more about here
Let's get started!
It is now possible to collect e-mail marketing consents via the check-out flow. All active B2B webshops have this functionality, and the text is provided in English.
How to see that a business customer has opted-in/ provided marketing consent?
- Go to Customers
- Find the customer and click on it
In the Consent section, you will find important information about your customer's marketing subscription. This includes the date on which the customer opted-in, as well as the specific text to which they agreed. This information is crucial for ensuring that your marketing efforts are compliant with relevant regulations, and that your customers have given informed consent to receive your communications.
How to export the emails to add to your CRM/email Marketing System:
- Go to the Customers
- Click on the Export
- Select Marketing subscribes
- Choose the data format: CSV file or Excel file
- Review if the data being exported contains personal data protected by GDPR. Please ensure that it is handled in compliance with applicable data protection laws.
- Click on Download
- Save file
Via the 'export' functionality you are able to export the e-mail consents and upload them into your e-mail marketing system (i.e. Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Hubspot).
How and when will I be notified of new customer marketing subscribers (opt-in)?
Every Monday you will receive an email with the number of net new newsletter and marketing subscribers, and a link where you can go and export the data. The email will be sent to the contact email provided under Settings in the Bemakers platform.
A few considerations when uploading data to your own e-mail marketing system:
- Data cleaning: ensure that you run a deduplication process to avoid entering duplicates i.e. having the same email several times, as it should only exist once. In case you have an existing opt-out in your own system, but the opt-in from the storefront is newer, then add the Bemakers data entry and change consent status.
- Add a source: to ensure that you add the source where the consent is coming from i.e. DK Shop marketing Sign-up. That way you will be able to monitor which channels are contributing to your consent database.
- Consent management: Once you have exported and uploaded the consent into your system it is your responsibility to handle potential opt-out/ unsubscribe requests. Ensure that you have a working unsubscribe link in all your external email communication, and have described in your Privacy Policy how someone can opt out from receiving communication from you.
Important: the Bemakers platform will not be updated with opt-out/unsubscribe data from your side, and it is therefore always your own e-mail system that is the source of truth in regards to e-mail marketing consents.