How to specify product in the Price calculator?
When calculating prices, you’ll need to provide specific information about the product in this section. Here’s a breakdown of each field and what it represents:
Product Type: Select the type of packaging the beverage is contained in:
- Bottle: A glass bottle without additional protective packaging, typically used for wine, spirits, beer, etc.
- Can: A cylindrical can, usually made of aluminum or steel, commonly used for carbonated drinks like soda or beer.
- Other: Use this option if the packaging doesn’t fit into the bottle or can categories (e.g., carton, plastic pouch, keg...).
Excise Category: Select the excise category based on the type and alcohol content of the product. Categories may vary depending on local regulations and product type, so choose the category that best describes your product for accurate tax calculations.
ABV (% Alcohol): Enter the alcohol content as a percentage (e.g., 5.0% for beer). This value is crucial for calculating excise duties, especially for alcoholic beverages.
- Degree Plato (only displayed for beer): Enter the degree Plato, a measurement of the concentration of dissolved solids (mainly sugars) in the beer. This measurement helps determine the beer’s fermentable sugars and, in some cases, is used for calculating excise duties based on the strength and character of the beer.
Volume (L): Specify the product’s volume in liters. This measurement is essential for calculating excise duties and other taxes based on quantity.
Weight (kg): Enter the weight of the product in kilograms including packaging. This information can be used for shipping cost calculations, especially for heavier items.
Retail Price: Input the product’s price based on selected price mode.
Fill out each field accurately to ensure the calculator provides the correct cost and tax estimations.