How do I confirm orders in the platform?
In this article we will cover how to confirm orders in the Bemakers platform.
Let's get started!
- Go to Orders
Here, you'll see several tabs, including All, New, Open, Upcoming and Closed. Each tab offers you a different view of your orders:
- New: Shows submitted orders that are waiting to be confirmed.
- Open: Displays orders that are confirmed but are, (1) in delivery/ transit or (2), not paid yet.
- Upcoming: Orders that were made with a future packaging date - when the packing date is reached, the order will show up as new orders in the 'New Orders' tab.
- Closed: Shows orders that are completed, including those that have been cancelled or returned.
To confirm the orders go to the New tab on the Orders page.
Then, review your orders: Check the box next to the order you want to confirm. If you want to confirm all orders on the page, simply click the "Check All" icon.
Note: Please be aware that you can only confirm orders that are shipped from your own warehouse. If the order is shipped from a Bemakers warehouse, you will not have the option to confirm it.
Once you've selected the order(s) you want to confirm, click on the "Confirm" button. A pop-up window will be initiated displaying the first order details, including customer and product information.
If the order or products within require label attachments, you will see the labels that need to be attached per product and also per packaging.
List of labels that you might see:
- Pant label - It will mention the country of origin for the pant; attach the pant label according to the requested country on the product.
- Pregnancy label - Attach the pregnancy label to the product.
- Can recycling label - Attach the can recycling label to the product.
- Imported by Bemakers label - Attach the Import by Bemakers stickers to the product.
- Recycling cardboard label - Attach the cardboard recycling label to the parcel box.
You must ensure that all necessary labels are attached to products and packaging before shipping the order.
Check the order details carefully, and add batch codes for each product included in the order (if needed). If everything looks good, click the "Confirm Order" button to finalize the confirmation of the first order
Repeat the process for all the orders you chose to confirm.
As the last order is confirmed, the platform will process the necessary paperwork. This may take a few minutes.
Click on the "Close" button.
You will see via the 'New' tab the orders that you have confirmed are no longer displayed. To view your confirmed orders, go to the 'Open' tab on the Orders page.
Print Order Documents
To print the necessary documents for your orders, check your email inbox. All of the documents for your confirmed orders should be there already. Print them as before, and you're ready to ship the orders!
Alternatively, you can also download the combined document for the order on the Bemakers platform by following these steps:
Go to the 'Open' tab.
Look for the three-dot option near the order and click on it.
From the options that appear, select the option to Download All documents.
This will provide you with another way to access and print the necessary documents for your orders.